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Our story

Michelle and Welby

Hello! We are Welby and Michelle.

Welby is from First Nation, Moravian Town, and Michelle has maternal and paternal native ancestry. Before all else, we acknowledge and give thanks to the land, our ancestors, our families, and all future generations. Along our journey together, it became evident that we shared a passion for design and creativity. By combining different elements, we infuse positive emotion into our handcrafted designs, and we would like to extend our work to others.

On a final note, we believe we are caretakers of Mother Earth who promote love and kindness to all. These beliefs are infused into everything we do. As of December 2021, we have two new additions to our family. We became foster parents to twin boys who are now seven-years old. It's been an interesting journey full of much love and learning for us all. 

Eagle Flying


Our mission is to develop, design and find all things with an Indigenous flair. We fulfill custom orders, share about Indigenous ways, and spread kindness and positivity.


We value humour, Indigenous knowledge, connections and relationships, and honesty. This involves offering timely responses and shipments to our customers as well as engaging in reflections to continuously improve.


We will go above and beyond to treat people with truth and respect.

All living things are more important than monetary gain.

Our future vision is to stay current and follow the trends.

Through the Tree Branch

Everything indigenous

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